ENG 434: English Writing for English Teachers

Kent Lee

Center for Teaching & Learning
Korea University


Handouts and links

Below are the assigned readings and extra handouts related to our class activities. Most handouts are now part of the course packet (the blandly titled Academic English Writing Manual), which are referred to by page numbers, e.g., [AEWM: 4] = p. 4 and following, in the course packet.

Course intro

Writing process

Genre analysis & paradigms

Optional / extra handouts on genre, paradigms, contrastive rhetoric


Source use

Discourse / writing grammar & word choice

Other items - some are in the course packet:


Most of these are also in the course packet.

Professional writing

  1. CV guide and CV sample
  2. Résumé guide and personal résumé sample
  3. Résumé samples (Univ. Illinois) and résumé sample on Google
  4. General guides for CVs and résumés (Purdue OWL website)
  5. Simple checklist for a proper résumés
  6. Transferrable skills
  7. SOP guide and sample
  8. Rubric / criteria for proper résumés, CV, cover letter, SOP
  9. Cover letter samples | Cover letter samples (annotated) (also in the course packet)
  10. Entry level résumé [an American-style functional résumé for those with little work experience - not recommended for Korea]
  11. Before & after résumé example
  12. IT management résumé example

Optional / extra handouts: Professional writing

Final paper project

Final topics

  1. Writing strategies inventory and scoring key
  2. Pedagogical issues in writing



Purdue OWL (Online Writers Lab) website: owl.english.purdue.edu - a site where you can search for guides for all kinds of writing issues, including the basics of APA and MLA citation, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and others.